Small Groups
You are designed for community. No matter your stage of life, you need Christian friendships to help you seek Jesus and share the good news with others.

Grow with Us
Small groups are designed to help you follow Jesus with others. Throughout Scripture, Jesus taught the large masses, but He also invested Himself in small groups of people. Following this example, the apostle Paul invested in small groups when starting churches. Whether you need to meet on-campus or off-campus, there is a small group designed with you in mind. Come grow with us as we seek Jesus together!
What is a small group?
Small groups are groups of 8-20 people that meet weekly for sermon discussion, prayer, and to hang out together! While Sunday services are an important aspect of the Christian faith, small groups are where you are known and get to invest in the lives of other people. The goal is for you to interact on a regular basis to encourage each other in seeking Jesus and sharing the gospel.
Do you have a small group for (fill in the blank)?
There are small groups for singles, couples, and all ages. Children (1st - 5th grade) are assigned to groups according to age/grade. Students (6th - 12th grade) are assigned to groups by age/grade and gender.
When and where do small groups meet?
On-campus small groups meet on Dayspring’s campus in various rooms during the 9.15am & 10.30am hours on Sunday and at 6.30pm on Wednesdays. Off-campus groups meet in various homes around Mobile on different nights of the week. You can view our groups here.
How do I join a small group?
We are glad to help you find and join a group. Contact Lee Hanks, Connections Pastor for help!